Construction Manufactured Home

Liên hệ

Long Bình Tân Biên Hòa


Address: 01 Group 4 of 4 Long Binh Ward, Bien Hoa in Dong Nai

  Telephone: 0618.899487 - 0973678969 Fax: 0618.899489





    Dear Company

PHAT NAM SON CO., LTD, one of the leading companies in the field of environmental technologies, has implemented hundreds of community service projects, organizations and enterprises in the country and abroad ... SON NAM PHAT is professionals providing design, technology, construction and management of projects related to environment for all areas of manufacturing, service ...

Design, Construction:

Public water supply
Water treatment systems, wastewater
Handling of gas, dust, chemical vapor ...
Civil Engineering & Industrial
The business

Collecting and transportation of industrial waste
Hazardous Waste
Buying the building material
Sale of scraps
Construction works under 35KVA power industry
Manufactured home construction
                          Your company needs, please contact: 0973.678969 met Mr.Son

Bình luận


0973 678 969
Mã số : 3772264
Địa điểm : Đồng Nai
Hình thức : Cần bán
Tình trạng : Hàng mới
Hết hạn : 08/11/2020
Loại tin :


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